Confidentiality Agreement Template Employee


Confidentiality agreements are essential tools for businesses to protect their confidential information, trade secrets, and intellectual property. A confidentiality agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of protecting confidential information shared between two parties. This article will discuss a confidentiality agreement template for employees to protect sensitive information.

Confidentiality Agreement Template for Employees

A confidentiality agreement template for employees is a legal contract that protects the company`s confidential and sensitive information that the employees have access to or will be exposed to during their tenure. Here is a brief template of a confidentiality agreement for employees:

Introduction – The introduction section of the agreement states the purpose and parties involved in the agreement.

Definitions – This section defines the meaning of key terms used in the agreement, such as confidential information and trade secrets.

Confidentiality Obligations – This section outlines the employee`s obligations regarding the confidentiality of the company`s information. It includes:

– The employee`s acknowledgment of their responsibility to keep the confidential information secure

– The employee`s agreement to maintain confidentiality during and after the termination of employment

– Limitations to the use of confidential information (for authorized purposes only)

– Prohibition of disclosure to third parties without prior written consent from the company

– Steps to be taken to avoid any accidental or intentional disclosure of the confidential information

Exceptions to Confidentiality Obligations – This section lists the circumstances that do not require the employee to maintain confidentiality. For instance, when the information is already in the public domain, the employee is required to testify in court or to comply with a court order or other legal obligation.

Remedies – This section outlines the remedies available in the event of a breach of the confidentiality agreement. For instance, the company may seek injunctive relief, damages, or both.

Termination – This section outlines the terms of the agreement`s termination, including the notice period and the consequences of the agreement`s termination.

Governing Law – This section outlines the laws that govern the agreement and the jurisdiction of the courts in case of any disputes.


A confidentiality agreement template for employees is an important tool for companies to protect their confidential and sensitive information. The agreement outlines the obligations of employees regarding the confidentiality of the company`s sensitive information. It is essential to ensure that the agreement is drafted comprehensively, accurately, and meeting all the legal requirements. Companies should also ensure that employees fully understand the agreement`s terms and implications before signing the agreement.